Sunday, 24 August 2014

Intercooler spray pump relocation & replace engine fan

We managed to relocate the IC spray pump to the spare spot in the rear washer bottle & Rob was able to tap into the loom to use the rear washer spray wiring for the trigger.
Rob also programmed the IC spray logic for me so it actually does something now when the switch is set to Auto.

So i deleted the stock bottle that i relocated to the boot as at this point its not needed. If 4L is not enough on the track for the sprints, Rob will change some of the logic to suit. He'll also be logging data from the car so we can make a decision whether it's worthwhile getting a bigger spray bottle.
*Update 20/03/2015 the washer bottle is big enough for my use in sprints / TA. I'm on track for 6 laps, 1 warm up, 4 hot laps & 1 warm down. I wasnt using much water at all at first. So i cleaned all my sprays & repositioned them. Then when hitting the manual spray, there just wasnt enough water pressure to spray much. What I'd done is used 5mm water lines. This is too big for the pump. You must use 4mm for the pump to supply enough pressure.

There's been another job i've been meaning to do for awhile now and that's to replace the stock engine fan with something lighter & still flows as well. I chose the Zirgo ZFB14 as this flows better than the stock one at 2175CFM & up to 3000CFM.

The stock fan weighs 4.1kg & the Zirgo weighs 1.2kg so another great weight saving up front.

We used 30mm flat washers with a 30mm felt washer up against the radiator to eliminate and damage caused through vibration. Rob rewired the factory controller and we tested operation to make sure it's in pull mode, through the ECU.

Once the radiator is refitted, coolant topped up we ran the car to hot and just switched the AC on and the fan works no problem.

Another job done & getting closer to that 100kg weight loss mark!

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