Thursday, 11 September 2014

Preparing for a track day & some exciting news

Over the past week I've been looking over the things that i wanted to have ready for the next track outing.

I knew i wanted to use the new cooler sprays and i also knew that i would be removing all the plastics in the car so having the switch swinging in the breeze was not going to do it. So relocating the switch to the bare space where the stereo used to live was the go.
The loom is only taped up so it's easy to get apart and run up to the stereo location.
 You'll see I've added a switch above this also. It's a switch to turn off the airbags while on the track. No need for them and if they did go off, that's a mess i can deal without.

While i had the stereo panel off i also removed the tracking/nav box that's stashed in behind there. Forgot to take photo's of this but when you remove the stereo you can see a little box in behind it with an aerial and a couple of other wires attached & mine had 2 purple relays attached to it. The wiring to it runs from the ignition and you have to trace it back to get rid of it all but it's only a patch loom so where you unplug it from you can just reattach the loom to the column (in 2 spots) and everything works as it should.

With the Aus delivered IX, Mitsubishi had some aftermarket company install this tracking box, loom and there's a speaker under the dash also. Part of the loom runs up to the top of the drivers 'A' piller to the switch thing and you can remove all that also.

Was just over 2kg in total, so another 2.1kg down from the front of the car.

 While i was having Rob do some wiring for me i had him install the new i-Shift i bought. These are a great shift light, totally programmable, multiple LEDS and have other features also. The voltage metre on start up is great.

I was thinking of other ways to keep things cool on a budget under the hood and i wanted to keep the p/s pot cooler. I had a thermo tec blanket there so i wrapped it in that stuff, should help a little. If any other heating problems come up it's very easy to install a small cooler.

I mentioned in the last post that the floor was getting super hot due to the exhaust being so close to the tunnel. When having a good look the cat is the culprit so not too many options there to keep the heat inside it so i wrapped the floor in the remainder Thermo tec blanket i had.

So on to the good news, I've had two other sponsors come on board and we're adding some of their colours to the car. It will look mint with what we've come up with. You have to stand out in a crowd with a Silver car and this should do it.

I wont let the cat out just yet as i want to do a full page introducing them and ad some action photos from this coming weekends racing.

Stay tuned

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